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Local area/Design: |
314 Taspinar (Niğde) Med. in Open Fie.

Area/City/Country: |
Taspinar Town, Aksaray Pro. Ce. Anato. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1890 / 5 |
in cm: |
167 x 110 |
Comments: |
Good matching colours. Medallion on red
field. Great rug in small size. Jewel |
Local area/Design: |
315 Taspinar, Pr.Ru. From Aksaray

Area/City/Country: |
Aksaray City & Prov. Cent. Anato. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1890 / 5 - With Cashmere Wool |
in cm: |
184 x 112 |
Comments: |
Unusually good colours, especially red
& apricot. Nice main border. Balanced |
Local area/Design: |
318 Ezine Area & Medal. Nom. Tribe

Area/City/Country: |
Ezine Dis. Canakkale Pro. N.W. Ana. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1880 / 5-6 - Wall Hung or Stored |
in cm: |
128 x 88 |
Comments: |
Unusually beautiful apricot, yellow &
blue colours. Resilient wool. Especially
wide angular line next to the two Ezine
medallions. Very artistic |
Local area/Design: |
321 Zara, Bra. Flo. & Med. on Blu. Fie.

Area/City/Country: |
Armen. Zara Tow. Sivas, Ea.Ce. Anato. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1890 / 5 - Small Variations To no. 279 |
in cm: |
182 x 142 - In Couple With no. 279 |
Comments: |
Much uncoloured shiny wool. Fantastic
balance in colours & pattern. A beauty |
Local area/Design: |
322 Fertek, Vase, Colum. & Reli. Refe.

Area/City/Country: |
Greeks, Central Nigde Prov. Cen. Anat. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1875 / 4-5 |
in cm: |
186 x 130 |
Comments: |
Nice uncoloured wool in middle field.
Two Zara similar thin and a great flowers border.
Dedicated to the Greek Orthodox church |
Local area/Design: |
323 Kula, Coalman, Transyl. Pat. Med.

Area/City/Country: |
Komucu Kula, Manisa Pro. We. Anat. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1890 / 4-5 |
in cm: |
170 x 142 |
Comments: |
Beautiful blue & red colours. Strong
manly expression. Good wool. Exciting |
Local area/Design: |
324 Yuncu Yoruk, Step. Diam. On Line

Area/City/Country: |
Turk. Tr. Nom. Bergama Reg. Izmir Pr. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1875 / 5 - This Tribe Made Few Rugs |
in cm: |
187 - 167 x 113 - Tightly Knotted |
Comments: |
Lovely deep colours. Some uncoloured
shiny resilient wool. Rarely tribe work |
Local area/Design: |
325 Bandırma, P.R. Mirh. Transy. Des.

Area/City/Country: |
Bandırma Cit. Balikesir Pro. N.W. Ana. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5 - Only Hung On the Wall |
in cm: |
173 x 123 - Silk on Fine Cotton |
Comments: |
Lovely harmonized colours. Perfect
work. Tightly knotted. Well composed.
The pillars indicate religious neutrality for use in all religions
Local area/Design: |
330 Yahyali, Zile, P.R. Ope. Fie. Mihr.

Area/City/Country: |
Cappadocia Reg. Kayseri Pro. Ce. Ant. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1885 / 5 - Tightly Knotted |
in cm: |
193 x 126 |
Comments: |
Unusually nice glittering colour scale.
Amazing diamond and flower border! |
Local area/Design: |
334 Zara, Sivas, Flo. & Bra. Strip.

Area/City/Country: |
Arm. Zara Dis. Sivas Pro. Ea.Ce. Anat. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5 - Soft Lambs Wool |
in cm: |
310 x 114 - Quite Big |
Comments: |
Matched earth & red colours in balance.
Nice shiny wool. Beautiful village work |
Local area/Design: |
335 Bandırma, Medal. Bran. & Flowers

Area/City/Country: |
Bandırma Cit. Balikesir Pro. N.W. Ana. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1900 / 5 - The White is Cotton |
in cm: |
170 x 120 - Fairly Tightly Knotted |
Comments: |
Nice soft colours. Some calligraphy.
Goats in main border. High quality
Local area/Design: |
336 Taspinar, Med. in Med. in Med.

Area/City/Country: |
Taspinar Dis. Aksaray Pro. Ce. Ant. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1920 / 5-6 - Chest Stored |
in cm: |
178 x 119 |
Comments: |
Beautiful colours, especially blue and
red. Soft shiny baby lambs wool. Nice |
Local area/Design: |
346 Yahyali, Zile, Pr.Ru. 1+9 Sm. Mihr.

Area/City/Country: |
Cappadocia Reg. Kayseri Pro. Ce. Ana. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1890 / 5 - Not Used on Floor |
in cm: |
201 x 122 |
Comments: |
Fantastic colour scale. Exciting & rich
P.R. Gives feelings. Shiny nice wool |
Local area/Design: |
348 Bandirma, P.R. Mirh. Transy. Des.

Area/City/Country: |
Bandirma Cit. Balikesir Pro. N.W. Ana. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1895 / 5 - Silk Drawings - Wall Hung |
in cm: |
220 x 142 - Slightly Large Size |
Comments: |
Very edited appealing colours. Many
borders. Important P.R. from the region.
Very tightly knotted & small silk fields.
The pillars indicate religious neutrality for use in all religions |
Local area/Design: |
349 Kagizman, Memling Guls & Symb.

Area/City/Country: |
Kurd. Tribe, Nom. Kars Pro. East Anat. |
Probable age/Condition: |
1855 / 5 - Shiny Buoyant Wool |
in cm: |
216 x 156 - Three Signatures Symbols |
Comments: |
Powerful deep colours. Typical guls &
symbols. Strong and rare trabe work
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